Safe & Simple

List your precious


A secure online catalogue for all the things you value.

Only $80/year or $7.99/month. No contracts.

No spreadsheets, no pen & paper, instead a smart list that safely records everything valuable to you.

Precious Lists

Make sense of your items by arranging in collections

Collections Inspiration

Paintings Collection
Furniture collection
Cars collection
Object Collections
Watch Collection
Camera colelction
Music collection

 Why Use Precious Lists?

A New Way..

…a better way, a smart way to track every belonging that is important to you.

You’ve agonised over art purchases, spent time filling your home with treasures. Sentimental, memory-filled, valuable purchases. For the price of a coffee or two you can create a glorious rich record of these.

Safely store your legacy, your wishes, your precious lists.


 Easy, Safe & Enjoyable


Paintings & Limited Edition Art Prints

Catalogue your art collection in an easy, usable format that reflects you. Enrich each collection with multiple photos, receipts, valuation documents and narrative that captures your thoughts, memories and love of each piece.

By keeping a record, you can ensure that these cherished items and the stories behind them are preserved for future generations to appreciate.

On a practical level the Precious Lists app also helps you manage insurance, estate planning and market analysis. You can bequeath certain items in your collections and save family memories for posterity, all in one easy app.

Insurance Smart

If the worst should happen, would you know exactly what you owned?

In the unfortunate event of disaster or theft, there’ll be no need to test that photographic memory of yours.

With Precious Lists, all your valuables and their documentation can easily be shared with your insurer.

Are you adequately insured? A quick check in Precious Lists will help you decide if you have enough insurance. None of us think flood, fire, earthquakes or theft will affect us, until it happens.


See Precious Lists In Action

Try Our Demo Login Today >



“Such a joy…easy to use”

“Such a joy to finally find a way to create a comprehensive list of our art pieces which we lovingly call our ‘children’. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed compiling our collections. It’s so easy to use this app and fashion a rich account of each piece.”

Julia C, Christchurch


What security is in place to protect your data?

We use current best-practice encryption to encode to safely store and protect all the data and credentials you share. We cannot see what you enter and we do not know your address. For a deeper look at the exceptional security measures we have in place, have a read here.

Does Precious Lists know your address?

We have no record of your address. Details you add to the Stripe payment service is unconnected to your Precious List account and never visible to us.

What happens to my data if I cancel my subscription?

You can export your list as a spreadsheet, with all the data, at any time. When you cancel your subscription your data is safely stored for six months in case you unsubscribed by accident or omission, or for estate management. After six months all data is deleted.

Is Precious Lists just for professional collectors?

Precious Lists is for anyone who owns anything. Perfect for collectors. Also ideal for accumulators of ‘stuff’. If you’ve ever moved home, you’ll know just how many things you have accumulated some of which you’d probably forgotten you had.

Items can be of monetary value and/or sentimental value. Whatever is important to you is worth keeping a record of. You can list just collections of the most valuable items or list everything you own.

Am I tied into a contract or payment plan?

No. You can cancel your subscription at any time, you have full control. There are no contracts or tie-in clauses.


It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3

Precious Lists App on Devices
Precious Lists Easy To Use


Using the phone app quickly and easily add items to your list, arrange in collections.

Precious Lists easy to use


Add extra photos, receipts, valuations, history and memories for some or all items.

Precious Lists easy to use


Save and export your items for an insurer, lawyer or valuer if ever needed.


Inspiration, Tips & Help

Create An Art Shopping List

Create An Art Shopping List

Have you ever found yourself captivated by a piece of art in a gallery or a shop, but circumstances weren't quite right for an immediate purchase? The allure of a piece can be undeniable, but timing and considerations might hold you back. This is...